August 26, 2008

Permatang Pauh voters - you've gotta to do it

Permatang Pauh voters - you've gotta to do it
Kannan K
Aug 25, 2008 - Malaysiakini Letters

The result of Permatang Pauh by-election will definitely determine the future direction for Malaysia unlike no other ever in the past.

A win for BN, though it seems unlikely, will maintain the status quo and Umno-led cronyism and negotiated contracts worth billions of ringgit will continue unabated draining away national resources permanently.

It would be a step backward for Malaysia making Malaysians more race and religion conscious and dividing the people even further. Corruption and taking things for granted will continue happily since voters would have decided to support the ‘devil’ (BN) they knew.

It would be sad if that happens and it would be a rare opportunity lost.

However, if Pakatan Rakyat’s Anwar Ibrahum wins with a larger majority, Malaysia will have a rare chance to move forward after having stagnated for the last decade after being in power continuously for 51 years.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and that was what has happened to the Umno-led BN government since they had absolute power for the past 51 years. Any chance they will change for better?

There is no sign of change at all even after the recent general elections in which they lost their two-thirds majority. There were some talk about changes, but now everything back to old BN ways of doing things. Malaysians should not allow the situation to continue worsening.

Malaysians’ only hope is for Anwar to bring about the much-needed changes in the way the government is run. Anwar has been consistent with his positive messages in recent years.

If Anwar Ibrahim wins as anticipated, there is a real possibility of change of government in the near future. If PR comes to power with Anwar as the PM, we can expect some of the following to happen:

- a decrease in petrol prices immediately

- income from petroleum be utilised for long-term people-oriented projects such as public transportation

- the release of all ISA detainees including the 5 Hindraf leaders

- Ketuanan Rakyat Malaysia will be the order of the day, racial politics reduced

- Transparency in all government tenders as is being practice by the PR state governments

- Meritocracy in selection of students for local universities and the awarding of scholarships

- Increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) which has been bypassing by Malaysia for several years now

- There will be check and balance and transparency to curb corruption and abuses

- Changes for better in the judiciary, the police force and civil service.

Permatang Pauh voters have the rare opportunity to bring some positive changes to the political landscape of Malaysia if they elect Anwar as their MP.

Malaysians elsewhere are hoping Permatang Pauh voters will be voting for Anwar this time and create history in doing so.


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